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Hope for Tomorrow Fundraising Update

Hope for Tomorrow Fundraising Update

Earlier this year, we selected Hope for Tomorrow as our Charity of the Year, with our team pledging to fundraise for the charity, and Frocester Group pledging to match fund what they raise. In June we hosted a golf day, and in September, Iain pledged to complete the Three Peaks Challenge, and Brian committed to the Forest of Dean Marathon. There’s more fundraising to come, but as we’ve reached the halfway point, we wanted to give you a little update…

Frocester Golf Day

Kicking off the 2022 fundraising, Frocester Group hosted our golf day, with 80 invitees creating teams for a round. In total, the golf day raised £420.40 which was match funded by Frocester for a total of £840.80.

Iain tackled the Three Peaks

After several months of training walks, Iain tackled the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge. This is a 25 mile 1 day trek over 3 of Yorkshire’s high peaks, climbing 1500m en route. Thankfully the weather was pretty good and Iain managed every step! Having set himself a target of £500, he in fact raised a whopping £1,260, match funded by Frocester Group to £2,520. Well done Iain!

Here’s what Iain had to say on the day “I made it. it was a tough day, but the weather was kind enough and I didn’t get any new blisters (those from the training walk got a bit mashed though!). Training paid off . Thank you so much for all the pledges received prior to the walk, all of the support & encouragement just before and on the day – it really made a difference doing it to honour your pledges. And I’m very grateful for all of the spontaneous donations I’ve received during and since the walk, they have helped me smash the expected target. THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU”

Brian runs a half marathon

When we kicked off the charitable fundraising, Brian gallantly volunteered for the Forest of Dean half marathon. An entirely off-road route through the autumnal forest, this route is harder than most. After four months of training, Brian had only managed a 5K practise run, due to injury, leaving him apprehensive but determined to complete the full half marathon route. The great news is that he did, securing £704 in the process, match funded by Frocester to £1,408.

The running total for Hope for Tomorrow

Although we’re yet to see some of our more daring team members skydive in early 2023, at the halfway point, this brings the grand total to £4768.80 for Hope for Tomorrow. We’re pretty proud of that!

If you can sponsor one of our team members and boost the total, please do so…